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Who am I?

The correct question in this frame of reference would be “Who are you?” I can’t answer the former for you, but I can answer the latter!

Heya, I’m Stephen. You can call me Stephen (Curry, not Hawking), or Steph, or Peachfuzzz, or the other litany of names I have lying around. I have tried on (though perhaps never worn for long) as many hats as I have online aliases. I hail from medicine, I study business, I practice data science, I strive towards game design, and I write.

I say that like I’m older than dirt, but I’m really just an undergraduate business student. My experience lies primarily in data science, and I’ve been actively interested in game design for years.

coding dev illustration

Why does this website exist?

This “blog,” if it could even be called that, was originally hosted on Notion as a very informal collection of an assortment of ideas. Since then, my desire to appear presentable online has won out against my tendency to keep to myself, and I threw them all onto this site. They’re still not particularly organized—they come from me, and I’m not particularly organized—but you can always use the tag system to look at specific topics.

What is this blog about?

I write about things for which I have strong feelings. These things tend to center around games, but I’m not opposed to writing beyond games.

What do you care about?

What media do you consume?

If you like this theme, here’s my repo. The template is not my original creation! Credit goes to Sat Naing, whose repo you can find here.

If you’d like to contact me about anything, feel free to email me at [email protected].